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Research achievements


  • Ko JH, Back YH, Kang S, Kim YH. 2024. First Report of Neope muirheadii (C. & R. Felder) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) from Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 63(3): 219-224.

  • Ko JH, Bayarsaikhan U, Lee TG, Bae YS. 2024. Review of the genus Rhagoba Moore, 1888 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae) from Laos, with a decription of new speceis. Zootaxa 5443(1): 127-134.

  • Ko JH, Solis AM, Lees DV, Albert A. 2024. Pacifimusotima Ko & Solis, new genus and species of the Musotiminae (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from the Federated States of Micronesia, including two newly combined specie. Zootaxa 5497(1): 111-122.

  • Ko JH, Jung SW, Kim YH. 2024. Light Tents as an Effective Method for Collecting Moths. Lepidoptera Novae 17(3): 155-160.

  • Lee DH, Jung SW, Kim YH, Shin IC. 2024. First record of the beetle family Georissidae (Coleoptera) in Korea, with a mtDNA information of a species. Journal of Species Research 13(3): 326-328.

  • Ion MC et al. 2024. World of Crayfish™: a web platform towards real-time global mapping of freshwater crayfish and their pathogens. PeerJ 12: e18229

  • Kim JY, Lee DH, Lee JE. 2024. First record of genus Japanolaccophilus Satô (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Korea. Journal of Species Research 13(3): 329-331.

  • Jung SW, Shin IC, Kim YH. 2023. New report of Diekeana insignis (Gorham, 1892) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Epilachnini) in South Korea. Journal of Species Research 12(3): 240-243.

  • Jung SW, Yamada H, Kawai T. 2023. Origin of the alien red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii in South Korea and occurrence of the crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci. Journal of the Natural History of Aomori (28): 133-138.

  • Jung SW, Jo JI, Hwang JM. 2023. First Record of Teloganopsis chinoi (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) Based on Larval Morphology and mtDNA in Korean Peninsula, with a Checklist of Korean Ephemerellidae. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 39(3): 86-91.

  • Jung SW, Kim YH, Lee JH, Lee DH, Ko JH, Son SB, Hong EJ, Shin IC. 2023. Diversity and endemic species of Insects on Gwaneumgol wetland in Gayasan National Park, South Korea. Entomological Research Bulletic 39(2): 35-48. (정상우, 김윤호, 이재하, 이대현, 고재호, 손상봉, 홍의종, 신이찬. .2023 가야산국립공원 관음골 습지 일대의 곤충 다양성 및 고유종. 곤충연구지 39(2): 35-48)

  • Jung SW, Bae MJ, Kim SH, Kawai T. 2023. Distribution of invasive Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae) in South Korea, with a study of the spatial variation of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa Journal of Crustacean Biology 43: 1-9.

  • Ko JH, Albert A, Bayarsaikhan U. 2023. First report of the genus Haritalodes Warren, 1890 from Micronesia (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa 5339(1): 095-100.

  • Ko JH, Yagi S, Hirowatari T. 2023. A new species of Nemophora from Korea (Lepidoptera, Adelidae, Adelinae). Zootaxa 5360(1): 127-136.

  • Lee DH, Lee JS, Jung SW. 2023. Taxonomic review of the genus Noterus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera: Noteridae) in Korea, with a description of new species. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 16: 501-505.

  • Lee DH, Jung SW. Hydroporus uenoi (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae) New to Korea, with Mitochondrial DNA Sequence. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 39(3): 118-122.

  • Lee JH, Son SB, Jung SW, Kim YH. 2023. Observations of the mating behavior and larvae habitat of Polyphylla laticollis manchurica in the Republic of Korea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Proceddings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea 4(3): 131-133.

  • Lee SG, Kim YH, Jung SW. 2023. Five Beetle Species Recorded from the Korean Indigenous Species Survey of the National Institute of Biological Resources. Entomological Research Bulletin 39(2): 73-74.

  • Lee SG, Jung SW, Kim YH. 2023. Two Ciidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) species new to South Korea. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 39(4): 300-303.

  • Shin IC, Jung SW, Song HS, Byun JS, Park JH. 2023. Early Immigration Characteristics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates after the Restoration of Mountain Wetlands. Proceedings of the National Inatitute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea. 4(3): 95-103.

  • Bayarsaikhan U, Cha YB, Ko JH, Kwon HW, Bae YS. Review of the Genus Aemene Walker, 1854 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) in Korea with Description of a New Species. Forests 2022. 13(11), 1748.

  • Jo JI, Jung SW. 2022. A report of Psedomorphilius japonicus Nomura (Coleoptera: Elmidae) in Minamisoma City, Japan. InsecTOHOKU No.58: 38. (ISSN 1347-5584)

  • Ko JH, Bayarsaikhan U, Lee TG, Bae YS. The monotypic genus Nephelobotys Munroe & Mutuura, 1970 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Pyraustinae): two new species from Laos and a newly combined species from Korea. Zootaxa 5188(3): 264-274.

  • Lee SG, Jung SW, Kim YH. 2022. Tetratoma (Abstrulia) pictipennis New to South Korea (Coleoptera: Tetratomidae), with a Key to Species of the Subgenus Abstrulia. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 38(2): 65-68.

  • Jung SW, Kim YH, Lee JH, Kim DG, Kim MY, Kim HM. 2022. Biodiversity Changes and Community Characteristics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Weir Section of the Nakdong River, South Korea. Korean Journal of Environment Ecology 36(2): 150-164.(정상우, 김윤호, 이재하, 김동건, 김민경, 김현맥. 2022. 낙동강 보 구간 저서성 대형무척추동물의 생물다양성 변화와 군집 특성. 한국환경생태학회지 36(2): 150-164.)

  • Jung SW, Lee JH, Kawai T, Kim PJ, Kim SH. 2022. Distribution Status of Invasive Alien Species (Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852)) Using Biomonitoring with Environmental DNA in South Korea. Korean Journal of Environment Ecology 36(4): 368-380.(정상우, 이재하, Tadashi Kawai, 김필재, 김수환. 2022. 생물모니터링 및 환경유전자(eDNA)를 이용한 침입외래종 미국가재(Procambarus clarkii)의 한국분포 현황. 한국환경생태학회지 36(4): 368-380.)

  • Jung S.W., Lee D.H., Kim Y.H., Ko J.H., Lee J.H., Park H.R. 2021. Community Analysis and Ecosystem Health Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Deogyusan National Park. Korean Journal of Marine Criminal Inverstigation 5(1): 18-32.(정상우, 이대현, 김윤호, 고재호, 이재하, 박형례.2021 덕유산국립공원 저서성 대형무척추동물을 이용한 수생성 건강성 평가 및 군집분석. 한국해양과학수사학회 5(1): 18-32)

  • Lee H.B., Cho Y.C., Jung S.W., Kim Y.H., Lee S.G. 2021. Changes in nocturnal insect communities in forest-dominated landscape relevant to artificial light intensity. Journal of Ecology and Environment 45:24.

  • Ko J.H., Bayarsaikhan U., Lee T.G., Cha Y.B., Lee J.K., Bae Y.S. 2021. A new species of Palpita Hübner from Laos (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae). Zootaxa 4990(3): 577-582.

  • Ko J.H., Lee T.G., Bayarsaikhan U., Kim H.U., Park B.S., Bae Y.S. 2021. Review of genus Palpita Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) from Laos, part 1: A group. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 14: 348-354.

  • Ko J.H., Lee T.G., Bayarsaikhan U., Cha Y.B., Park B.S., Bae Y.S. 2021. Review of genus Palpita Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) from Laos, part 2: B group. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 14: 539-543.

  • Lee S.K., Jung S.W, Son S.J, et al. 2020. A Study of a Conservation and Management Plan for Natural Monument No. 27 Jeju Anguilla marmorata via Landscape Analysis and Food Source Analysis. Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture: International Edition Number 18: 28-41

  • Jung S.W., Kim Y.H., Lee S.G. 2020. Checklist of the Coloeptera Recorded from the Korean Indigenous Species Survey of the National Institute of Biological Resources (2017-2019) with three new Recordes of Family Scirtidae.. Entomological Research Bulletin 36(2): 80-82.

  • Lee S.G., Kim Y.H. 2020. Lissodema plagiatum Lewis (Coleoptera: Salpingidae) new to Korea, with a key to Korean species of the family Salpingidae Leach. Korean Jounal of Applied Entomology 59(2): 129-131.

  • Jung S.W., Jach M.A., Bae Y.J. 2020. Review of the water penny beetles (Coleoptera: Psephenidae) of the Korean Peninsula based on morphology and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 13: 13-23.

  • Lee S.G., Jung S.W., Kim Y.H. 2020. Ancyrona diversa New to Korea (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Trogossitidae), with a Key to the Palaearctic Species of the Genus. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 36(2): 139-142.

  • Jung S.W., Min H.K., Lee D.H. 2020. Aquatic Beetles Fauna in Nohwa and Bofil Islands, and Copelatus parallelus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and Scirtes sobrinus (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) New to South Korea. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 36(2): 128-138.

  • Lee S.G., Jung S.W., Kim Y.H. 2020. First record of the genus Synchita Hellwig, 1792 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Colydiinae) in Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 13: 229-233.

  • Jung S.W., Park H.R., Christine J.C. 2020. Distribution and Biological Quality Assessment on Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Wolchulsan National Park, South Korea. Korean Journal of Marine Criminal Inverstigation 4(1): 39-47.(정상우, 박형례, Christine Jewel C. Uy. 2020. 월출산국립공원 저서성 대형무척추동물의 분포 및 수환경 평가. 한국해양과학수사학회 4(1): 39-47)

  • Jung S.W., Kwang S.H., Jeong J.C. 2020. Preliminary Checklist and Current Status of Aquatic Insects in Korea National Park. Entomological Research Bulletin 36(1): 27-43.(정상우, 강승호, 정종철. 2020. 국내 국립공원에서 조사된 수서곤충의 목록과 최신경향. 한국곤충학회지 36(1): 27-43)

  • 강태화, 권순직, 김기원, 김명철, 김슬기, 김원근, 김윤호, 김태우, 동민수, 박상욱, 전영철, 정광수, 정원우, 정종철, 최득수. 2019. 양평곤충도감II. 양평곤충박물관.

  • Sareein N., Kang J.H., Jung S.W., Phalaraksh C., Bae Y.J. 2019. Taxonomic review and distribution of giant water bugs (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae: Lethocerinae) in the Palearctic, Oriental, and Australian regions. Entomological Research 49: 462-473

  • Jung S.W., Lee M.J., Kim Y.H. 2019. New record of ladybird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Korea, with a checklist of the Palearctic species of Horniolus Weise. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 12(4): 710-712.

  • Litovkin S.V., Bruvo-Madaric B., Jach M.A., Jung S.W., Efimov D.A. 2019. Stenelmis koreana Sato, 1978 (Coleoptera: Elmidae): corfirmed as a wide-spread species by DNA-sequencing. Zootaxa 4651(3): 596-600.

  • Jung S.W., Kim Y.H., Kim H.M., Kim S.H. 2018. Biodiversity and Characteristi Communities Structure of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Area of DMZ, Korea. Korean Journal of Environment Ecology 32(6): 603-617.(정상우, 김윤호, 김현맥, 김수환. 2018. 민통선이북지역 서부평야 일대의 수생태계 생물다양성 및 군집 특성. 한국환경생태학회지 32(6): 603-617.)

  • Shin H.S., Seo Y.J., Jung S.W. 2019. Species Diversity and Characteristic Communities Structure of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Juwangsan National Park, South Korea. Journal of National Park Research 10(1): 202-217.(신현선, 서예지, 정상우. 2019. 주왕산국립공원 저서성 대형무척추동물의 종 다양성 및 군집특성. 국립공원연구지 10(1): 202-217)

  • 김윤호, 민홍기, 정상우, 안제원, 백운기. 2017. 자연사도감: 딱정벌레. 아름원 585pp.

  • 김일평, 안동하, 김윤호, 정상우. 2017. 법곤충학에 응용되는 국내 파리 검색표(검정파리과&쉬파리과). 한국법과학협동조합 64pp.

  • Ahn K.J., Cho Y.B., Kim Y.H., Yoo I.S., Newton A.F. 2017. Checklist of the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) in Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 10(3):279-336.

  • Jung S.W., Cho Y.C, Lee H.G. 2017. Community Characteristics and Biological Quality Assessment on Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Bongseonsa Stream in Gwangneung Forest, south Korea. Korean Journal of Environment Ecology 31(6): 508-519.(정상우, 조용찬, 이황구. 2017. 광릉숲 내 봉선사천의 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집 특성 및 생물학적 하천평가. 한국환경생태학회지 31(6): 508-519)

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